Ahhhhhh. Baths. Even my doctor spoke of the restorative power of baths and noted that people generally don't take enough baths these days. In the last few years, I've become more of a bath taker... a soaker, if you will. In that span of time, I have come to realize some baths are better than others (and some more extravagant than others). This post is dedicated to That Perfect Bath. In involves the sum of a few perfect elements to total That Perfect Bath. Step (1) The Lush Karma Bubble Bar. http://www.lushusa.com/shop/products/bath-shower/bubble-bars/karma While I love many Lush products, this is my current favorite. It smells so very clean and somehow exotic at the same time. Perfect combination for a bath, yes? An honorable mention for Step (1) goes out to the Lush Ma Bar Bubble Bar, which I've happily used many many times http://www.lushusa.com/shop/products/bath-shower/bubble-bars/ma-bar. Step (2) Evolution. http://www.evolutionwine.com/ Does the wine matter? Yes. You will never go wrong with this one. It is far and away my favorite. It probably deserves its own post, as a matter of fact. We'll save that one for another day. Suffice it to say, this wine is the best choice to comprise step (2) of That Perfect Bath. But, if you're wanting to spend a little less, here's a good alternative: http://www.folieadeux.com/mat/white.html. Step (3) Your favorite current read, of course. I'm currently working on Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Those of you who view my Facebook page from time to time know I recently completed The Fountainhead and found it to be a marvelous read. (Indeed, The Fountainhead took part in a number of Perfect Baths as I traversed its pages.) Atlas is proving to be a lovely read as well, though I'm only about 200 pages in (it's over 1000). (4) Any other bath products you like that won't fall flat in comparison to the awesomeness that is the Lush bubble bar you used in step (1). I prefer Brocato and Aveda products for the most part (there's a couple playing a bit part in the background of the photo). I'll spare the details on those products here as they, too, are deserving of posts in their own right. And, if you're in a boat like mine, start this bath in the evening AFTER you've cuddled your little one to bed, and it is a perfectly lovely way to end the day.
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