Tuesday, October 17, 2017

That Monday Birthday Revisited (to Make it More Perfect)

So I turned 41 on Monday.  Quietly.  Without much fanfare.  No actual party or anything.  I mean, Facebook exploded with some funny and sweet messages from friends (to whom I mindfully replied each and every time I received a message so I could appreciate each soul who kindly remembered me), and I got calls and texts from some family members and close friends, and I opened fun presents with my family, bleary-eyed first thing in the morning.  I absolutely have a lot of people to be thankful for in my life.  But what did I do for the bulk of the day?  I spent most of the day working.  A lot.  Which isn't an entirely bad thing.  It just felt like... any day, I suppose.  Busyness and business.  I guess birthdays never quite live up to the anticipation do they?  Maybe if I'd had some quiet spare time to reflect, I'd have appreciated my own birth more.  Actually celebrated it deep inside somehow.  Maybe I am doing that more in this very moment by writing about it than I was able to do yesterday.  So I guess it's good I have this blog.

My Mom reminded me in an early morning text yesterday (I didn't need reminding, but I loved her reminder just the same) that a cold front blew through when I was born at 3:30 p.m. on October 16 forty-one years ago.  And, serendipitously, I was gifted from the Universe a surprise cool front on the anniversary of my birth-day.  Which is pretty damn cool.   (Ha, pun intended.)

But overall?  I guess it sorta felt like the Monday that it was.  I worked all day and then logged back in to work some more after the kids went to bed.  And I even took a raincheck on some phone calls because I didn't have time to take them....  I was so busy working I even missed the passage of midnight marking the end of the day as it slipped silently away while I was typing.  So my birthday ended with a whimper, not a bang.  Which isn't how I like things.

So what is a girl to do to make up for this blah Monday of a birthday (to be fair, it's only 41, not 42 or anything...)?

Well, it just so happens that my awesome brother called me and told me I get to/have to (okay, twist my arm; wait, no don't... my shoulder) visit San Francisco (and promised me some serious cliffs) next summer when he is getting married (!!!), and he and his lovely fiance also got me an incredibly generous SPA GIFT CERTIFICATE.  Soul gifts - the dream of cliffs and soon-to-come SPA TIME.  So I made an appointment today, and I'll be taking advantage of that by getting a hot stone massage on October 29 (which just so happens to be the first time I am free to even consider doing something of my choosing to celebrate my birthday).  This is gonna entirely make up for the Monday blahness, I am certain.  Silver linings.  There's always one if we look.

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